Tuesday 22 January 2008

Barcelona Pub Crawl

So on our second night in Barcelona we decide to get a taste of the Spanish pub scene with a good old fashioned pub crawl. At 930 we head to the first bar which is full of so much cock that it puts a SigEp party to shame. So, we quickly take our free tequila shot and decide to head across the street to an Irish pub. After downing an additional pint, we head back to meet the group to go to the second bar. At the second bar we down another tequila shot and fearing a trend head next door where we were offered a free shot with the purchase of a beer. After downing another free tequila shot and receiving another pint we discover that this is also the next stop on the crawl and are therefore eligible for another tequila shot. Around this same time, arrives a group of Brits wearing polos bearing "Frank's Stag Do!" Mike and I (Kravitz) quickly discover that a stag do is the British equivalent of a bachelor's party. Mike begins talking to Frank's father or as he calls him "dad." I meanwhile am talking to Frank's fiancee's brother making sure that he is ok with Frank railing his sister. Coincidentally our pub crawl leader has taken out a beer bong and is waving it around on a table. Mike turns to me and says "Yo, lets start a Frank the Tank chant". I look over at the soon to be brother-in-law and we all start chanting "Frank the Tank" at the top of our lungs. Next thing we know half the bar is chanting "Frank the Tank" and Frank is standing on the table funneling a beer. We proceed to drink with Frank and the rest of his stag do for a while and attempt while shitfaced to sing along with English football songs and "Frankie's a legend" chants.

Around this time it begins to get a little cloudy, but we proceeded to one more pub and a club where we received some mysterious shots and drank a few more pints. Along the way , there was at least one sketchy drug deal that took place en route from one pub to another and a smoke session in a mall somewhere while the security guard patrolled. We got back to the hostel around 4 and found that mike was sleeping on a bed adjacent to a thirty year old couple and apparently played footsie with the dude at some point during the night.

Silverman Drunk

So we go to some club the other night...sketchy as fuck. After a guy feel my nuts (security) on the way in, K and I head off to dance with some british girls. Failing for the 4th time in a row, we try to play it off as though we are just heading to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, we are pissing in a trough, K-man alerts me to some guy checking out his cock. The guy says, "Can I ask you a question?" and Kravitz says "NO!" immediately and bounces. I turn to leave 30 seconds later and the guy asks me straight up, "Can I see your penis?" I show him, and leave. Just kidding, he wasnt that lucky, but Europeans are fuckin weird.

More importantly, Dave is not with us cause he met some American girl at the bar. Dave is wasted as usual, but manages to seal the deal!

Fast forward 4 days and we are invited to pregame with that girl and some of her friends. We go over to her place and Dave gives her a hug. The girl looks at him sideways and says "Do I know you?" Dave begins to stutter when the girl, realizing who Dave is, says "Oh, I'm her twin sister!"
Without a doubt, one of the funniest moments of my life. After laughing for the remainder of the pregame (during which the girl he actually hooked up with was so pissed she wouldnt even talk to him) we get into the elevator to go out. After going down one floor, the door opens upon the twin sister and her friend but the elevator is too full for them to get in. Trying to be kind, drunk Dave offers "We can squeeze you in." The twin replies, " You'd like that, wouldnt you?"

The Next Morning

So the next morning we wake up at 730 in order to get to orientation by 9. Hungover as can be we shower and walk out the door to meet the rest of the group out in front of our flats. As we wait, Kravitz turns to me calmly and says "Can I get your keys?". Sure, I say, and toss them to him. He returns just as the group is leaving and whispers in my ear, "I just projectile vomited all over the wall and bathroom of our apartment."
5 minutes later we board the tube. I look down to see Kravitz holding in burp after burp. He looks as likely to keep it down as Martin at a high school party. Fortunately, he makes it off the tube and we all enter the Cass Business School. They call his name to give him his ID, but he is nowhere to be found. He returns a few minutes later and tells me he just booted in the street outside.
Now, I could keep telling you about each individual puke, but I will suffice it to say that he had to leave class at least 3 times--one right after our program leader brought him in front of the class and made him model a Wash U bag for everyone. At this point, everyone knew Kravitz was just puking all morning, even our director. He finally gave in and just told the guy he couldnt go on the bus tour that afternoon cause he would have to puke on the bus.
We are off to a great start...

Day/Night One

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Mike, Dave, and K-Man's London blog (Guest starring Abel Samet). This is a blog for everyone to check once in a while (and Dickie hourly) to keep up with your boys in London.

Night one recap:

After taking shots at 7:30 AM in the airport, Mike and Kravitz meet up with Dave and head to our flat. We chill out until we decide its time to drink. Everyone on the trip goes out for dinner but we have already eaten and drink a 5th of vodka. Needless to say, we are as d-mode as Aibel loves redhead's when we get to pregaming with other people on the trip.
Kravitz pours straight vodka into a few mugs and declares, "I made drinks!" We drunk em. Got drunk. Remainder of pre-game is hazy.
We head to some bar that is next to a bar labeled with flashing lights "G-A-Y"(this is important for later). Once inside I buy drinks only to find that Kravitz has already purchased me a beer. We drunk em. Got drunk. Dave is somewhere wandering. We continue to drink as girls come up and tell us how drunk our friend is. I dont pay any attention to it until I see Dave out of the corner of my eye fall over backwards while trying to take a shot....Silverman Drunk. Bouncer declares, "That boy should NOT drink anymore." Around this same time, Kravitz is getting into a discussion with two British guys at a nearby table. They start talking about English football and other things (honestly, I don't really remember what we said at this point. After probably 20 minutes one of the guys looks up at him and says, "Hey man, we're on a date here." Shocked by this revelation, and confused because all British guys sound like gays, he wanders away from their table.
10 minutes later, Dave approaches said bartender to "chat". Bartender is big and black. The bartender does not enjoy bantering with Dave and promptly kicks him out.
Outside the bar:
We attempt to gain re-admittance to the bar only to have Dave removed repeatedly. We try to get Dave to stop wandering but, alas, there is no hope. At this point Kravitz starts yelling at me "let's go find Nick [our gay program head] at the bar next door." He won't stop. I should be embarrassed but I'm too drunk at this point to care and Dave's still arguing with the bartender. I think it's time to try to find our way home.
Trip Home:
I attempt to lead the way home only to discover I have no fuckin clue where I am. Kravitz begins to ask random street Brits where Bedford Place is. He gets annoyed when they say no and yells, "I'm just asking you where Bedford Place is!". Out of nowhere, Dave announces he knows where we are and how to get home. Remarkably, he is right.
Once Home:
Dave leaps out of bed declaring, "I'm going to 14!" 14 is the flat number of the girls we pregamed with. We hear from the girls later that Dave danced in front of the camera they have outside their front door while they buzz him in for 20 minutes. He cannot figure out how to get in and stands in the street debating whether or not to go to the casino. He makes it back in to our room and falls asleep.