Tuesday 22 January 2008

Day/Night One

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Mike, Dave, and K-Man's London blog (Guest starring Abel Samet). This is a blog for everyone to check once in a while (and Dickie hourly) to keep up with your boys in London.

Night one recap:

After taking shots at 7:30 AM in the airport, Mike and Kravitz meet up with Dave and head to our flat. We chill out until we decide its time to drink. Everyone on the trip goes out for dinner but we have already eaten and drink a 5th of vodka. Needless to say, we are as d-mode as Aibel loves redhead's when we get to pregaming with other people on the trip.
Kravitz pours straight vodka into a few mugs and declares, "I made drinks!" We drunk em. Got drunk. Remainder of pre-game is hazy.
We head to some bar that is next to a bar labeled with flashing lights "G-A-Y"(this is important for later). Once inside I buy drinks only to find that Kravitz has already purchased me a beer. We drunk em. Got drunk. Dave is somewhere wandering. We continue to drink as girls come up and tell us how drunk our friend is. I dont pay any attention to it until I see Dave out of the corner of my eye fall over backwards while trying to take a shot....Silverman Drunk. Bouncer declares, "That boy should NOT drink anymore." Around this same time, Kravitz is getting into a discussion with two British guys at a nearby table. They start talking about English football and other things (honestly, I don't really remember what we said at this point. After probably 20 minutes one of the guys looks up at him and says, "Hey man, we're on a date here." Shocked by this revelation, and confused because all British guys sound like gays, he wanders away from their table.
10 minutes later, Dave approaches said bartender to "chat". Bartender is big and black. The bartender does not enjoy bantering with Dave and promptly kicks him out.
Outside the bar:
We attempt to gain re-admittance to the bar only to have Dave removed repeatedly. We try to get Dave to stop wandering but, alas, there is no hope. At this point Kravitz starts yelling at me "let's go find Nick [our gay program head] at the bar next door." He won't stop. I should be embarrassed but I'm too drunk at this point to care and Dave's still arguing with the bartender. I think it's time to try to find our way home.
Trip Home:
I attempt to lead the way home only to discover I have no fuckin clue where I am. Kravitz begins to ask random street Brits where Bedford Place is. He gets annoyed when they say no and yells, "I'm just asking you where Bedford Place is!". Out of nowhere, Dave announces he knows where we are and how to get home. Remarkably, he is right.
Once Home:
Dave leaps out of bed declaring, "I'm going to 14!" 14 is the flat number of the girls we pregamed with. We hear from the girls later that Dave danced in front of the camera they have outside their front door while they buzz him in for 20 minutes. He cannot figure out how to get in and stands in the street debating whether or not to go to the casino. He makes it back in to our room and falls asleep.

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